Caitlin Marino

Always Be Connecting

Networking with Other Industry Professionals

One of the most valuable things you can offer a client is your book of trusted industry contacts; home inspectors, plumbers, loan officers, lawyers, OGM (oil, gas, mineral) specialists, interior designers, architects, etc. When you are the go-to contact for your client to connect with other industry professionals whose help they need, you show how valuable you are as opposed to any other real estate agent. It also shows that you work well with others and have a good name within the industry, and that reputation is priceless. 

But how do you start to cultivate this relationship with other professionals? Join networking groups and attend their events (make sure you're social while attending!), connect with them on LinkedIn and start a conversation, or drop off a treat at their office, and introduce yourself in person while there. Once you begin these relationships, commit time to nurture them. Nurturing the connections can be as simple as sending greeting cards throughout the year (holidays, birthdays, adopting a pet, significant achievements), finding industry-related events to attend with them, or hosting yearly appreciation parties. The value these connections bring to your life will help you understand the industry better and offer your client peace of mind knowing they'll always have an answer to their problem. 

You are more than a door opener; you are the key to the entire housing industry!
Snail Mail Still Matters 

While snail mail might be considered the way of the dinosaurs, it is still a beneficial way to spread your name and business through any areas you are attempting to farm. Set up a quarterly mailing campaign for any areas you try to break into or already work within. Many platforms allow you to set this up as automated pre-created campaigns, so you can set it and forget it. This mailing could be a rundown of upcoming local events, hyper-local and national housing market statistics, seasonal recipe cards, or any combination you come up with! The more creative your mailing is, the more likely people will remember it and YOU. 

Pro Tip: Place all links to your social media in a QR code on your mailing! 

Social Media is Your Superpower

Social media is one of the most helpful (and affordable) tools for growing your sphere of influence. If you leverage it correctly, it allows you to connect with countless people instantaneously. One worthwhile action is to start a housing industry-themed Facebook group; you can invite your past clients and industry partners to become members of your group. Share industry-relevant articles, events, home decor ideas, and seasonal home maintenance tips; get creative!

Make your Facebook group the go-to spot for your sphere to get their burning questions answered, get inspiration for their next home project, and be their general go-to news source for everything about homes! Share Instagram and Facebook stories highlighting your experiences as an agent; it could be videos/pictures of homes you've toured, inspections you have attended, or clients you have assisted. Instead of sharing the generic "Just Sold!" post every other agent shares on their pages, share a story about the actual process you went through with the home buyer/seller and why you're excited for them to get into their new home/sell their previous one.  
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